ブラジルのベアトリス・グリンステイン博士が新理事長に IAS
国際エイズ学会(IAS)の新理事長にブラジルの感染症医・研究者であるベアトリス・グリンステイン博士が就任し、ミュンヘンで開かれた第25回国際エイズ会議(AIDS 2024)の閉会式でスピーチを行いました。IASの公式サイトに新理事長就任の紹介記事が掲載されています。
ブラジルのベアトリス・グリンステイン博士が新理事長に IAS
国際エイズ学会(IAS)は、ブラジルのベアトリス・グリンステイン博士(Beatriz Grinsztejn)の会長就任を歓迎します。次期会長にはケニアのKenneth Ngure博士が選ばれました。また、前会長のシャロン・ルーウィン博士(オーストラリア)氏に深く感謝します。
グリンステイン博士は感染症医・研究者としてブラジル・リオデジャネイロ最大のケア提供機関FIOCRUZ HIV/AIDS Serviceの共同設立者であり、エバンドロ・シャガス国立感染症研究所(FIOCRUZ)のHIV/AIDS臨床研究ユニットのディレクターを25年間、務めてきました。
第25回国際エイズ会議(AIDS 2024)閉会式(7月26日)で演説したグリンステイン新理事長は、会議のテーマ「人々を第一に考えよう!」を強調し、次のように述べています。
グリンステイン博士は、男性やトランスジェンダー女性とセックスをするHIV陰性の男性を対象に長時間作用型注射剤カボテグラビルの効果を評価するHPTN 083研究など、新たなHIV予防ツール開発に向けた臨床研究のリーダーでもあります。LGBTQIA+の権利擁護に取り組んできた先駆者として、ジェンダーに肯定的なケアの導入をブラジルで主導してきました。
Beatriz Grinsztejn of Brazil is the new President of the International AIDS Society
IAS – the International AIDS Society – welcomed Beatriz Grinsztejn from Brazil as IAS President and Kenneth Ngure from Kenya as President-Elect. The IAS leadership also expressed deep gratitude to Sharon Lewin from Australia who stepped down as IAS President and assumed her role as Immediate Past President.
Grinsztejn, a leading infectious disease physician-researcher, co-founded FIOCRUZ HIV/AIDS Service, the largest care provider in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and has served as Director of the HIV/AIDS Clinical Research Unit at the Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectious Diseases - FIOCRUZ for 25 years.
Addressing delegates at the closing ceremony of AIDS 2024, the 25th International AIDS Conference, Grinsztejn underscored the conference’s theme: Put people first!
As a lesbian from Latin America and the director of the first sexual and gender minorities’ health clinic in Rio de Janeiro, I witness firsthand every day how we are still failing the most marginalized people. In Brazil, new HIV acquisitions are rising among young black men who have sex with men, illustrating the structural gender-related violence and racism fuelling the epidemic.
Beatriz Grinsztejn, IAS President
Grinsztejn is also a leader in clinical research for the development of new HIV prevention tools, including an important study to evaluate long-acting injectable cabotegravir in HIV-negative men who have sex with men and trans women (HPTN 083). A pioneering champion of LGBTQIA+ rights, she also led efforts to introduce gender-affirming care in Brazil.
Citing scientific breakthroughs presented at AIDS 2024, she called for equitable rollout of groundbreaking prevention drugs.
“The promise of long-acting injectables highlights the need to ensure access across the global South. For prevention to work, we need to ensure everyone, everywhere has access to the latest technologies.”
She went on to warn of donor fatigue, the rise of authoritarian governments and shrinking civil space. Grinsztejn called for sustained funding and resources for efforts to achieve global HIV targets.
“Crossing the last mile to end AIDS as a public health threat will require more attention and resources. International mechanisms such as PEPFAR and the Global Fund are under pressure. Now is not the time to question the value of these vital organizations.”
The IAS also announced newly elected members of its Governing Council, which determines strategy and policy direction for the organization to ensure that it fulfils its mission.
ブラジルのベアトリス・グリンステイン博士が新理事長に IAS
国際エイズ学会(IAS)は、ブラジルのベアトリス・グリンステイン博士(Beatriz Grinsztejn)の会長就任を歓迎します。次期会長にはケニアのKenneth Ngure博士が選ばれました。また、前会長のシャロン・ルーウィン博士(オーストラリア)氏に深く感謝します。
グリンステイン博士は感染症医・研究者としてブラジル・リオデジャネイロ最大のケア提供機関FIOCRUZ HIV/AIDS Serviceの共同設立者であり、エバンドロ・シャガス国立感染症研究所(FIOCRUZ)のHIV/AIDS臨床研究ユニットのディレクターを25年間、務めてきました。
第25回国際エイズ会議(AIDS 2024)閉会式(7月26日)で演説したグリンステイン新理事長は、会議のテーマ「人々を第一に考えよう!」を強調し、次のように述べています。
グリンステイン博士は、男性やトランスジェンダー女性とセックスをするHIV陰性の男性を対象に長時間作用型注射剤カボテグラビルの効果を評価するHPTN 083研究など、新たなHIV予防ツール開発に向けた臨床研究のリーダーでもあります。LGBTQIA+の権利擁護に取り組んできた先駆者として、ジェンダーに肯定的なケアの導入をブラジルで主導してきました。
Beatriz Grinsztejn of Brazil is the new President of the International AIDS Society
IAS – the International AIDS Society – welcomed Beatriz Grinsztejn from Brazil as IAS President and Kenneth Ngure from Kenya as President-Elect. The IAS leadership also expressed deep gratitude to Sharon Lewin from Australia who stepped down as IAS President and assumed her role as Immediate Past President.
Grinsztejn, a leading infectious disease physician-researcher, co-founded FIOCRUZ HIV/AIDS Service, the largest care provider in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and has served as Director of the HIV/AIDS Clinical Research Unit at the Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectious Diseases - FIOCRUZ for 25 years.
Addressing delegates at the closing ceremony of AIDS 2024, the 25th International AIDS Conference, Grinsztejn underscored the conference’s theme: Put people first!
As a lesbian from Latin America and the director of the first sexual and gender minorities’ health clinic in Rio de Janeiro, I witness firsthand every day how we are still failing the most marginalized people. In Brazil, new HIV acquisitions are rising among young black men who have sex with men, illustrating the structural gender-related violence and racism fuelling the epidemic.
Beatriz Grinsztejn, IAS President
Grinsztejn is also a leader in clinical research for the development of new HIV prevention tools, including an important study to evaluate long-acting injectable cabotegravir in HIV-negative men who have sex with men and trans women (HPTN 083). A pioneering champion of LGBTQIA+ rights, she also led efforts to introduce gender-affirming care in Brazil.
Citing scientific breakthroughs presented at AIDS 2024, she called for equitable rollout of groundbreaking prevention drugs.
“The promise of long-acting injectables highlights the need to ensure access across the global South. For prevention to work, we need to ensure everyone, everywhere has access to the latest technologies.”
She went on to warn of donor fatigue, the rise of authoritarian governments and shrinking civil space. Grinsztejn called for sustained funding and resources for efforts to achieve global HIV targets.
“Crossing the last mile to end AIDS as a public health threat will require more attention and resources. International mechanisms such as PEPFAR and the Global Fund are under pressure. Now is not the time to question the value of these vital organizations.”
The IAS also announced newly elected members of its Governing Council, which determines strategy and policy direction for the organization to ensure that it fulfils its mission.