エイズ終結に向けた新たな戦略的協力枠組みで合意 UNAIDS・グローバルファンド
エイズ終結に向けた新たな戦略的協力枠組みで合意 UNAIDS・グローバルファンド
ジュネーブ 2024年6月24日 国連合同エイズ計画(UNAIDS)のウィニー・ビヤニマ事務局長と世界エイズ・結核・マラリア対策基金(グローバルファンド)のピーター・サンズ事務局長がエイズ終結に向けた新たな戦略的協力の枠組み(2024~2028)に署名した。今回の合意は長年にわたる二つの組織の協力関係を更新し、直近のHIVとエイズに関する国連総会政治宣言『不平等に終止符を打ち、2030年エイズ終結の軌道に』との整合性の確保を目指している。「UNAIDSとグローバルファンドの長年にわたる協力は、HIV陽性者、HIVから影響を受けやすい何百万、何千万もの人が、基本的なサービスを利用し、より健康で幸福な生活を送れるようにする重要な役割を果たしてきました」とUNAIDSのウィニー・ビヤニマ事務局長は語る。「UNAIDSは、エイズ終結という共通の目標に向けてグローバルファンドと引き続き協力していくことをうれしく思います」
UNAIDS and Global Fund sign a new strategic framework for their collaboration to end AIDS
GENEVA, 24 June 2024— UNAIDS Executive Director, Winnie Byanyima, and Executive Director of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund), Peter Sands, signed a new strategic framework for cooperation and collaboration to end AIDS (2024 –2028). The agreement renews the organizations’ longstanding partnership and aligns ongoing collaboration with the most recent United Nations General Assembly Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS: Ending Inequalities and Getting on Track to End AIDS by 2030.
“The longstanding partnership between UNAIDS and the Global Fund has been instrumental in supporting many millions of people living with or vulnerable to HIV to enjoy better health and well-being through improved access to essential services,” said Winnie Byanyima, UNAIDS Executive Director. “We at UNAIDS are excited to continue building our collaboration with the Global Fund as we head toward our common goal of ending AIDS.”
The new strategic framework puts people and communities at the centre and aims to unite countries, communities and partners across and beyond the HIV response to take prioritized actions to accelerate progress towards the vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths.
“Our strong collaboration, especially at country level, makes a huge difference in the fight against AIDS,” said Peter Sands, Executive Director of the Global Fund. “Our counterparts at UNAIDS play a crucial role on the ground: they help put communities living with and affected by HIV at the center of the response and ensure that rights-based approaches are widely adopted.”
The Global Fund Strategy (2023–2028) Fighting Pandemics and Building a Healthier and More Equitable World is fully aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and UNAIDS’ Global AIDS Strategy (2021–2026) End Inequalities, End AIDS, which guides the global AIDS response. It calls on all actors to scale up and sustain global and domestic investments to achieve the strategy’s ambitious targets and commitments for 2025 as well as put the world on course to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.
Collaboration under the new agreement will focus on reducing the inequalities that drive the AIDS epidemic and closing the HIV prevention and treatment gaps that are preventing progress towards ending AIDS. It will also prioritize people who are not yet accessing life-saving HIV services.
The common approach supports a renewed focus on primary prevention, addressing structural drivers of HIV infection and AIDS-related deaths, and challenging inequities and human rights and gender-related barriers to services including stigma, discrimination and criminalization. It leverages new HIV prevention and treatment modalities, precision public health approaches, as well as support synergies between HIV services and related areas of health. In addition, the framework continues longstanding support to strengthen countries’ capacity to measure their epidemics and monitor their responses, and act on the data to drive results. There will also be a push for countries to map out the longer-term sustainability of the HIV response through stronger health systems, better-integrated services for HIV, and more streamlined donor contributions.
エイズ終結に向けた新たな戦略的協力枠組みで合意 UNAIDS・グローバルファンド
ジュネーブ 2024年6月24日 国連合同エイズ計画(UNAIDS)のウィニー・ビヤニマ事務局長と世界エイズ・結核・マラリア対策基金(グローバルファンド)のピーター・サンズ事務局長がエイズ終結に向けた新たな戦略的協力の枠組み(2024~2028)に署名した。今回の合意は長年にわたる二つの組織の協力関係を更新し、直近のHIVとエイズに関する国連総会政治宣言『不平等に終止符を打ち、2030年エイズ終結の軌道に』との整合性の確保を目指している。「UNAIDSとグローバルファンドの長年にわたる協力は、HIV陽性者、HIVから影響を受けやすい何百万、何千万もの人が、基本的なサービスを利用し、より健康で幸福な生活を送れるようにする重要な役割を果たしてきました」とUNAIDSのウィニー・ビヤニマ事務局長は語る。「UNAIDSは、エイズ終結という共通の目標に向けてグローバルファンドと引き続き協力していくことをうれしく思います」
UNAIDS and Global Fund sign a new strategic framework for their collaboration to end AIDS
GENEVA, 24 June 2024— UNAIDS Executive Director, Winnie Byanyima, and Executive Director of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund), Peter Sands, signed a new strategic framework for cooperation and collaboration to end AIDS (2024 –2028). The agreement renews the organizations’ longstanding partnership and aligns ongoing collaboration with the most recent United Nations General Assembly Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS: Ending Inequalities and Getting on Track to End AIDS by 2030.
“The longstanding partnership between UNAIDS and the Global Fund has been instrumental in supporting many millions of people living with or vulnerable to HIV to enjoy better health and well-being through improved access to essential services,” said Winnie Byanyima, UNAIDS Executive Director. “We at UNAIDS are excited to continue building our collaboration with the Global Fund as we head toward our common goal of ending AIDS.”
The new strategic framework puts people and communities at the centre and aims to unite countries, communities and partners across and beyond the HIV response to take prioritized actions to accelerate progress towards the vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths.
“Our strong collaboration, especially at country level, makes a huge difference in the fight against AIDS,” said Peter Sands, Executive Director of the Global Fund. “Our counterparts at UNAIDS play a crucial role on the ground: they help put communities living with and affected by HIV at the center of the response and ensure that rights-based approaches are widely adopted.”
The Global Fund Strategy (2023–2028) Fighting Pandemics and Building a Healthier and More Equitable World is fully aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and UNAIDS’ Global AIDS Strategy (2021–2026) End Inequalities, End AIDS, which guides the global AIDS response. It calls on all actors to scale up and sustain global and domestic investments to achieve the strategy’s ambitious targets and commitments for 2025 as well as put the world on course to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.
Collaboration under the new agreement will focus on reducing the inequalities that drive the AIDS epidemic and closing the HIV prevention and treatment gaps that are preventing progress towards ending AIDS. It will also prioritize people who are not yet accessing life-saving HIV services.
The common approach supports a renewed focus on primary prevention, addressing structural drivers of HIV infection and AIDS-related deaths, and challenging inequities and human rights and gender-related barriers to services including stigma, discrimination and criminalization. It leverages new HIV prevention and treatment modalities, precision public health approaches, as well as support synergies between HIV services and related areas of health. In addition, the framework continues longstanding support to strengthen countries’ capacity to measure their epidemics and monitor their responses, and act on the data to drive results. There will also be a push for countries to map out the longer-term sustainability of the HIV response through stronger health systems, better-integrated services for HIV, and more streamlined donor contributions.