2023年12月10日は、世界人権宣言の採択から75周年の節目です。国連合同エイズ計画(UNAIDS)は『To protect everyone’s health, protect everyone’s rights(すべての人の健康を守り、すべての人の人権を守るために)』と題するプレス声明を発表しました。
過去75年に得られた人権分野の成果を守り、世界が2030年エイズ終結に向けて前進するために、UNAIDS は次のことを誓約します。
・ 人びとの健康への権利を妨げる差別的な法律の撤廃に向け、各国およびコミュニティとの協力を強化する。
・ HIVに関連するあらゆるかたちのスティグマと差別を減らし、HIV対策の不平等に終止符を打つための活動を拡大する。
・ 社会から排除されやすい人たちの人権を保護し、促進する動きをまもり、人権反対運動に対抗する。
・ ジェンダーに基づくあらゆるかたちの暴力をなくすために取り組む。こうした暴力は最も執拗かつ許しがたい人権侵害の一つである。
・ HIV陽性者、HIVに大きな影響を受けている人たち(思春期の若者や若年層の成人、あらゆる立場の女性、ゲイ男性など男性とセックスをする男性、トランスジェンダーの人たち、セックスワーカー、薬物使用者を含む)がリーダーシップを発揮し、HIV対策や自らの生活にかかわる決定に意味のあるかたちで参加することを支援する。
エイズ終結への道は人権尊重の道です。 すべての人の健康を守るには、すべての人の人権を守らなければなりません。
To protect everyone’s health, protect everyone’s rights
UNAIDS statement on the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
On the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UNAIDS emphasizes that the upholding of everyone’s human rights is the essential underpinning of an effective HIV response.
UNAIDS reaffirms its commitment to keep human rights at the centre of its approach to ending the AIDS pandemic.
UNAIDS calls on all governments to uphold human rights, including by removing laws which harm people’s rights and by bringing in laws which uphold the rights of every person, including people in marginalized communities.
With human rights at the centre, with communities in the lead, the world can end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030, a goal agreed to by world leaders in 2015. While the world has made great progress towards this goal, this progress has not been enjoyed by everyone. The end of AIDS is a goal that can only be achieved through ensuring everyone’s human rights.
It is more important now, than ever, that the world works in a coordinated, sustained, and effective manner to achieve human rights for all. The gains made in human rights in the last 75 years will be lost if leaders do not stand up to the global anti-rights movement. Attacks on women’s rights, the rights of LGBTQ people, sexual and reproductive health and rights, on democracy and on civic space are not only a threat to everyone’s freedom, they are a threat to everyone’s health.
To help protect the gains made on human rights in the last 75 years, and to keep the world on the path to end AIDS by 2030, UNAIDS pledges:
To scale up its work with countries and communities to help remove discriminatory laws that prevent people from enjoying their right to health;
To expand its work to end inequalities in the HIV response by working further to reduce all forms of HIV-related stigma and discrimination;
To be a strong advocate for the protection and promotion of the human rights of the world’s most marginalized people and to counter the global anti-rights movement;
To work towards ending all forms of gender-based violence, one of the most persistent and egregious of human rights violations;
To support the leadership of people living with or affected by HIV – including adolescents, young people and women in all their diversity, gay men and other men who have sex with men, transgender people, sex workers, and people who use drugs – to meaningfully participate in the HIV response and decisions that affect their lives.
The path that ends AIDS is a rights path. To protect everyone’s health, protect everyone’s human rights.