HIV/AIDSファクトシート IAS2011 (下)
・侵入阻害剤。HIVが標的細胞に入り込むのを妨げる。fusion inhibitor(融合阻害剤)とCCR5受容体拮抗薬の2つの侵入阻害剤が認可されている。
マイクロビサイド 膣に用いて性感染症を防ぐ物質(通常はゲルまたはフォーム状)である。微生物を破壊するか、感染の成立を防げるかの機能をもっている。HIVマイクロビサイドは、女性がコントロールできるHIV感染の予防法である。HIV予防の可能性がある手段として、マイクロビサイド開発の研究が進められている。また、直腸マイクロビサイドの研究も進められている。
コンドーム コンドーム使用は安価で最も費用対効果の高いHIV感染予防方法のひとつである。常に正確にコンドームを使用すれば、HIVあるいはその他の感染症のリスクを大きく下げることができる。男性用と女性用の両方のコンドームがある。
ワクチン HIV感染を防ぐか、免疫システムの能力回復をもたらすワクチンの研究は進められている。HIVワクチン研究への世界の投資額は2007年には9億6100万ドルに達しているが、効果的なワクチンの開発には、まだ何年かかりそうだ。
母子感染予防 HIVの母子感染(MTCT)は、妊娠中、出産時、および出産後の母乳授乳を通して起きる。HIVのMTCTのリスクは、HIV陽性の妊婦に対する抗レトロウイルス薬の使用や母乳授乳の停止により大きく低下させることができる。これらの処方で母体におけるウイルス複製を減らすこと、赤ちゃんがウイルスにさらされている間やその後の期間による予防策によってMTCTのリスクを減少させることができる。
曝露後予防投薬(PEP) (医療従事者の針刺し事故やレイプ被害にあった女性、セックス中にコンドームが破れた場合など)直近にHIV感染の恐れがある機会があったときに、感染を防止用に抗レトロウイルス薬の短期服用を行う。PEPは感染のリスクを下げるが、防止効果は100%ではない。
社会行動介入 HIV感染の機会を減らすよう個人の行動変容をはかる教育プログラム。適切かつ継続的なコンドーム使用、性行為相手の減少、若者の禁欲および性体験開始年齢の遅延化などが含まれる。より広い範囲では、ジェンダーの不平等やホモフォビア、HIV関連のスティグマなど、HIV感染のリスクや脆弱性を増している社会規範の変化を促すような社会・文化的介入も含まれる。
曝露前予防投薬(PrEP) HIV感染の可能性を減らすために(感染防止措置をとらないセックス、注射針の共用など)感染のリスクがある行動をとる前に抗レトロウイルス薬を服用。
男性の割礼 HIV感染のリスクを約60%減らすとみられる。世界保健機関(WHO)と国連合同エイズ計画(UNAIDS)は2007年3月、ケニヤ、ウガンダ、南アフリカの調査をもとに、男性の割礼は(包括的予防パッケージの一部として)男性の異性間性感染のリスクを減らす重要な感染予防介入策とみなすとの勧告を発表した。
この資料はIASコミュニケーション部門が以下のソースにしたがって準備した。 on Opportunistic Infections
Global Prevention Working Group: Bringing HIV Prevention to Scale: An Urgent, Global Priority June 2007
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation: Reporting Manual on HIV December 2010
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation - The Global HIV/AIDS epidemic Fact Sheet December 2010
UNAIDS – 2010 Global Report
UNAIDS – AIDS Epidemic Update 2009
UNAIDS – AIDS Global Facts and Figure 2009
UNAIDS – Fast Facts about Testing and Counselling May 2008.
UNAIDS – Core Slides: report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2010
U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Drugs Used in the Treatment of HIV Infection
WHO – UNAIDS: Towards Universal Access – Progress Report 2010
Despite significant medical advances in the treatment and prevention of HIV, there is still no cure.
ARV stands for antiretroviral and refers to a type of drug that works by interfering with the replication of HIV. The five classes of antiretroviral drugs currently available are:
・Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs), which block the replication of HIV by interfering with a protein called Reverse Transcriptase (RT), essential for the reproduction of HIV
・Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs), which also block RT, but in a slightly different way than NRTIs
・Protease Inhibitors (PIs), which block the function of a protein called protease, essential for HIV reproduction
・Entry Inhibitors, which block HIV from entering target cells. There are two licensed entry inhibitors available: a fusion inhibitor and a CCR5 co-receptor antagonist
・Integrase Inhibitors, which prevent HIV from integrating its genetic message (RNA reverse transcribed into DNA) into the nucleus of cells. There is one licensed integrase inhibitor.
HAART (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy) is a modality of antiretroviral therapy that involves the use of three or more ARVs in a single regimen. HAART interferes with the virus’ ability to replicate, which allows the body’s immune system to maintain or recover its ability to produce the white blood cells necessary to respond to opportunistic infections.
• As of December 2009, an estimated 5,254 million people in low- and middle-income countries had access to antiretroviral therapy (ART), representing one third of the estimated number of people in need of treatment.
• In 2009, 53% of pregnant women living with HIV in low- and middle-income countries received antiretroviral drugs to prevent transmission to their children versus 10% in 2004. However, only 26% of pregnant women in low- and middle income countries received an HIV test.
• In the same year, 28% of the children had access to antiretroviral therapy increasing from 22% in 2008 and just 7% in 2005.
• In 2009, in 54 reporting countries, only 15% of children born to HIV-positive mothers received an HIV test within the two first two months of life.
Population surveys conducted in low- and middle-income countries show that the proportion of people who report having ever had an HIV test is higher among women than men, and knowledge of HIV status remains inadequate, the median percentage of people living with HIV who know their status is estimated at below 40%.
• By fully scaling up all scientifically proven prevention strategies, an estimated 30 million of the 60 million infections expected to occur by 2015 could be averted.
Although important progress has been made in preventing new HIV infections, about 7,000 new HIV infections were registered daily in 2009 (97% on low- and middle-income countries).
Despite a rapid increase in the uptake of HIV testing, a majority of people living with HIV do not know their status. As a result, most of them initiate therapy at a late stage of the disease.
・The percentage of injecting drug users reached with HIV prevention programmes was 32% among 27 countries reporting data in 2009.
Coverage of harm reduction programmes remained limited in 2009. Among 92 reporting countries, 36 had needle and syringe programmes, and 33 offered opioid substitution therapy.
・The percentage of men who have sex with men reached with HIV prevention programmes was 57% among 21 countries reporting data in 2009.
Regionally, coverage in 2009 was highest at 63% in Europe and Central Asia.
・The percentage of sex workers reached with HIV prevention programmes was 58% among 38 countries reporting data in 2009.
The highest coverage of prevention programmes was 76%, observed in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Prevention Tools
Microbicides are substances (usually delivered via gels or foams) that, when applied to the vagina, can substantially reduce transmission of one or more sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They work by either destroying the microbes or preventing them from establishing an infection. An HIV microbicide would provide a female-controlled method of prevention. Scientists are currently exploring microbicide development as a potential HIV prevention method. There is also research exploring rectal microbicides.
Condom use is one of the least expensive, most cost-effective methods for preventing HIV transmission. Consistent, correct use of condoms significantly reduces the risk of transmission of HIV and other STIs. There are condoms available for use by both men and women.
Vaccines to prevent HIV infection or improve the ability of the immune system to defend itself are being tested by researchers. Global investment in HIV vaccine research in 2007 was US$ 961 million, but it is likely that a successful vaccine is still a number of years away2.
Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV can occur before or during delivery, or after delivery via breast milk. The risk of MTCT can be reduced significantly through the use of antiretrovirals by HIV-positive women during pregnancy and delivery, and by their infants following birth, as well as by refraining from breast-feeding. These regimens reduce the risk of MTCT by decreasing viral replication in the mother and through prophylaxis of the infant during and after exposure to the virus3.9
Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) involves the short-term use of antiretrovirals to prevent infection in people who have recently been exposed (such as health care workers through needlestick injuries, women who have been raped, or sex where the condom breaks). PEP reduces the risk of infection, but is not 100% effective.
Socio-behavioural interventions include educational programs designed to encourage individuals to change their behaviour to reduce their exposure to HIV and risk for infection. Such efforts include encouraging proper and consistent condom use, a reduction in the number of sexual partners, abstinence and the delaying of sexual initiation among youth. On a broader scale, social/cultural interventions are used to change norms that contribute to HIV risk and vulnerability, such as gender inequality, homophopia and HIV-related stigma.
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) involves taking antiretrovirals before engaging in behaviour(s) that place one at risk for HIV infection (such as unprotected sex or sharing contaminated needles) in order to reduce or prevent the possibility of HIV infection.
Male Circumcision has been shown to reduce the risk of HIV transmission by approximately 60%. In March 2007, WHO and UNAIDS announced recommendations that male circumcision be considered an important intervention – as part of a comprehensive prevention package - to reduce the risk of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in men based on studies done in Kenya, Uganda and South Africa.
The material was prepared by the IAS 2011 Communication Department using the following sources: on Opportunistic Infections
Global Prevention Working Group: Bringing HIV Prevention to Scale: An Urgent, Global Priority June 2007
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation: Reporting Manual on HIV December 2010
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation - The Global HIV/AIDS epidemic Fact Sheet December 2010
UNAIDS – 2010 Global Report
UNAIDS – AIDS Epidemic Update 2009
UNAIDS – AIDS Global Facts and Figure 2009
UNAIDS – Fast Facts about Testing and Counselling May 2008.
UNAIDS – Core Slides: report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2010
U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Drugs Used in the Treatment of HIV Infection
WHO – UNAIDS: Towards Universal Access – Progress Report 2010
・侵入阻害剤。HIVが標的細胞に入り込むのを妨げる。fusion inhibitor(融合阻害剤)とCCR5受容体拮抗薬の2つの侵入阻害剤が認可されている。
マイクロビサイド 膣に用いて性感染症を防ぐ物質(通常はゲルまたはフォーム状)である。微生物を破壊するか、感染の成立を防げるかの機能をもっている。HIVマイクロビサイドは、女性がコントロールできるHIV感染の予防法である。HIV予防の可能性がある手段として、マイクロビサイド開発の研究が進められている。また、直腸マイクロビサイドの研究も進められている。
コンドーム コンドーム使用は安価で最も費用対効果の高いHIV感染予防方法のひとつである。常に正確にコンドームを使用すれば、HIVあるいはその他の感染症のリスクを大きく下げることができる。男性用と女性用の両方のコンドームがある。
ワクチン HIV感染を防ぐか、免疫システムの能力回復をもたらすワクチンの研究は進められている。HIVワクチン研究への世界の投資額は2007年には9億6100万ドルに達しているが、効果的なワクチンの開発には、まだ何年かかりそうだ。
母子感染予防 HIVの母子感染(MTCT)は、妊娠中、出産時、および出産後の母乳授乳を通して起きる。HIVのMTCTのリスクは、HIV陽性の妊婦に対する抗レトロウイルス薬の使用や母乳授乳の停止により大きく低下させることができる。これらの処方で母体におけるウイルス複製を減らすこと、赤ちゃんがウイルスにさらされている間やその後の期間による予防策によってMTCTのリスクを減少させることができる。
曝露後予防投薬(PEP) (医療従事者の針刺し事故やレイプ被害にあった女性、セックス中にコンドームが破れた場合など)直近にHIV感染の恐れがある機会があったときに、感染を防止用に抗レトロウイルス薬の短期服用を行う。PEPは感染のリスクを下げるが、防止効果は100%ではない。
社会行動介入 HIV感染の機会を減らすよう個人の行動変容をはかる教育プログラム。適切かつ継続的なコンドーム使用、性行為相手の減少、若者の禁欲および性体験開始年齢の遅延化などが含まれる。より広い範囲では、ジェンダーの不平等やホモフォビア、HIV関連のスティグマなど、HIV感染のリスクや脆弱性を増している社会規範の変化を促すような社会・文化的介入も含まれる。
曝露前予防投薬(PrEP) HIV感染の可能性を減らすために(感染防止措置をとらないセックス、注射針の共用など)感染のリスクがある行動をとる前に抗レトロウイルス薬を服用。
男性の割礼 HIV感染のリスクを約60%減らすとみられる。世界保健機関(WHO)と国連合同エイズ計画(UNAIDS)は2007年3月、ケニヤ、ウガンダ、南アフリカの調査をもとに、男性の割礼は(包括的予防パッケージの一部として)男性の異性間性感染のリスクを減らす重要な感染予防介入策とみなすとの勧告を発表した。
この資料はIASコミュニケーション部門が以下のソースにしたがって準備した。 on Opportunistic Infections
Global Prevention Working Group: Bringing HIV Prevention to Scale: An Urgent, Global Priority June 2007
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation: Reporting Manual on HIV December 2010
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation - The Global HIV/AIDS epidemic Fact Sheet December 2010
UNAIDS – 2010 Global Report
UNAIDS – AIDS Epidemic Update 2009
UNAIDS – AIDS Global Facts and Figure 2009
UNAIDS – Fast Facts about Testing and Counselling May 2008.
UNAIDS – Core Slides: report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2010
U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Drugs Used in the Treatment of HIV Infection
WHO – UNAIDS: Towards Universal Access – Progress Report 2010
Despite significant medical advances in the treatment and prevention of HIV, there is still no cure.
ARV stands for antiretroviral and refers to a type of drug that works by interfering with the replication of HIV. The five classes of antiretroviral drugs currently available are:
・Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs), which block the replication of HIV by interfering with a protein called Reverse Transcriptase (RT), essential for the reproduction of HIV
・Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs), which also block RT, but in a slightly different way than NRTIs
・Protease Inhibitors (PIs), which block the function of a protein called protease, essential for HIV reproduction
・Entry Inhibitors, which block HIV from entering target cells. There are two licensed entry inhibitors available: a fusion inhibitor and a CCR5 co-receptor antagonist
・Integrase Inhibitors, which prevent HIV from integrating its genetic message (RNA reverse transcribed into DNA) into the nucleus of cells. There is one licensed integrase inhibitor.
HAART (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy) is a modality of antiretroviral therapy that involves the use of three or more ARVs in a single regimen. HAART interferes with the virus’ ability to replicate, which allows the body’s immune system to maintain or recover its ability to produce the white blood cells necessary to respond to opportunistic infections.
• As of December 2009, an estimated 5,254 million people in low- and middle-income countries had access to antiretroviral therapy (ART), representing one third of the estimated number of people in need of treatment.
• In 2009, 53% of pregnant women living with HIV in low- and middle-income countries received antiretroviral drugs to prevent transmission to their children versus 10% in 2004. However, only 26% of pregnant women in low- and middle income countries received an HIV test.
• In the same year, 28% of the children had access to antiretroviral therapy increasing from 22% in 2008 and just 7% in 2005.
• In 2009, in 54 reporting countries, only 15% of children born to HIV-positive mothers received an HIV test within the two first two months of life.
Population surveys conducted in low- and middle-income countries show that the proportion of people who report having ever had an HIV test is higher among women than men, and knowledge of HIV status remains inadequate, the median percentage of people living with HIV who know their status is estimated at below 40%.
• By fully scaling up all scientifically proven prevention strategies, an estimated 30 million of the 60 million infections expected to occur by 2015 could be averted.
Although important progress has been made in preventing new HIV infections, about 7,000 new HIV infections were registered daily in 2009 (97% on low- and middle-income countries).
Despite a rapid increase in the uptake of HIV testing, a majority of people living with HIV do not know their status. As a result, most of them initiate therapy at a late stage of the disease.
・The percentage of injecting drug users reached with HIV prevention programmes was 32% among 27 countries reporting data in 2009.
Coverage of harm reduction programmes remained limited in 2009. Among 92 reporting countries, 36 had needle and syringe programmes, and 33 offered opioid substitution therapy.
・The percentage of men who have sex with men reached with HIV prevention programmes was 57% among 21 countries reporting data in 2009.
Regionally, coverage in 2009 was highest at 63% in Europe and Central Asia.
・The percentage of sex workers reached with HIV prevention programmes was 58% among 38 countries reporting data in 2009.
The highest coverage of prevention programmes was 76%, observed in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Prevention Tools
Microbicides are substances (usually delivered via gels or foams) that, when applied to the vagina, can substantially reduce transmission of one or more sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They work by either destroying the microbes or preventing them from establishing an infection. An HIV microbicide would provide a female-controlled method of prevention. Scientists are currently exploring microbicide development as a potential HIV prevention method. There is also research exploring rectal microbicides.
Condom use is one of the least expensive, most cost-effective methods for preventing HIV transmission. Consistent, correct use of condoms significantly reduces the risk of transmission of HIV and other STIs. There are condoms available for use by both men and women.
Vaccines to prevent HIV infection or improve the ability of the immune system to defend itself are being tested by researchers. Global investment in HIV vaccine research in 2007 was US$ 961 million, but it is likely that a successful vaccine is still a number of years away2.
Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV can occur before or during delivery, or after delivery via breast milk. The risk of MTCT can be reduced significantly through the use of antiretrovirals by HIV-positive women during pregnancy and delivery, and by their infants following birth, as well as by refraining from breast-feeding. These regimens reduce the risk of MTCT by decreasing viral replication in the mother and through prophylaxis of the infant during and after exposure to the virus3.9
Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) involves the short-term use of antiretrovirals to prevent infection in people who have recently been exposed (such as health care workers through needlestick injuries, women who have been raped, or sex where the condom breaks). PEP reduces the risk of infection, but is not 100% effective.
Socio-behavioural interventions include educational programs designed to encourage individuals to change their behaviour to reduce their exposure to HIV and risk for infection. Such efforts include encouraging proper and consistent condom use, a reduction in the number of sexual partners, abstinence and the delaying of sexual initiation among youth. On a broader scale, social/cultural interventions are used to change norms that contribute to HIV risk and vulnerability, such as gender inequality, homophopia and HIV-related stigma.
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) involves taking antiretrovirals before engaging in behaviour(s) that place one at risk for HIV infection (such as unprotected sex or sharing contaminated needles) in order to reduce or prevent the possibility of HIV infection.
Male Circumcision has been shown to reduce the risk of HIV transmission by approximately 60%. In March 2007, WHO and UNAIDS announced recommendations that male circumcision be considered an important intervention – as part of a comprehensive prevention package - to reduce the risk of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in men based on studies done in Kenya, Uganda and South Africa.
The material was prepared by the IAS 2011 Communication Department using the following sources: on Opportunistic Infections
Global Prevention Working Group: Bringing HIV Prevention to Scale: An Urgent, Global Priority June 2007
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation: Reporting Manual on HIV December 2010
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation - The Global HIV/AIDS epidemic Fact Sheet December 2010
UNAIDS – 2010 Global Report
UNAIDS – AIDS Epidemic Update 2009
UNAIDS – AIDS Global Facts and Figure 2009
UNAIDS – Fast Facts about Testing and Counselling May 2008.
UNAIDS – Core Slides: report on the Global AIDS Epidemic, 2010
U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Drugs Used in the Treatment of HIV Infection
WHO – UNAIDS: Towards Universal Access – Progress Report 2010
国立感染症研究所 研究員